Got it? Now imagine a sleek, virtual world, ripe with possibilities like boughs of an old Oak tree. That’s right click here, Meta1 is a digital Eden begging for you to explore its limits. The technology marvel minutely alters itself as time lapses – much like a chameleon inside thick wood full of different colours. Pretty Snazzy, isn’t it? But it’s not just the surface gloss we’re talking about. In Meta1, the virtual swathe is deep and complex.

You know what it feels like when you are at a party and you are handed a complex cocktail drink? You take a sip, and Bam! you taste buds are hit with numbers of flavors. Meta1 is like that. Underneath all its flashy display there is a woven intricate web of tech intricacies that is teasing your curiosity, and challenging the limits of the possible.

Wellhold your breath as you fall into the massive expanse ready to dodge through a forest of digital experiences. Almost akin to the experience of walking through a funhouse only to come upon a brilliant new tech innovation at every mirrored wall turn. Each corner turned reveals a surprise – occasionally earning a ‘Wow’, at other times a hearty laugh. Who knew technology was not only interesting but amusing at the same time?